Thursday, June 30, 2011

Week 5 Technology

Two websites that would be helpful in a future classroom would be Google Docs and Virtual Field trips. Google Docs would allow students to collaborate on projects as well as allow students to get more immediate feedback from me due to the quick sharing time of the program. This would also reduce the amount of paper that students have to deal with in a given day. The Virtual Field trips would work to allow me to show students places important to the class without having to worry about travel, permission slips and possibly loosing a student. This would also allow students to experience places that a high school class could never go to. This includes the Holocaust Museum and a tour of an Ancient Roman Villa (The Teachers Guide). These trips would be exceedingly hard for a a high school class to view in person. Instead of having to go only on visuals from a text book or randomized pictures on a website, virtual field trips would allow for a comprehensive "trip".

The Teacher Guide. (n.d.). Virtual Field Trips. The Teacher's Guide Virtual Field Trips . 6/292011.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job! Concise, clear post! Virtual field trips are a great way for students to explore new "lands" without the cost and time that a real field trip would require!
